Club Name:
Middlebury Ski Club
[ MIDD ]
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Club Information
The Middlebury Ski club is a non-profit organization with the goal of promoting healthy activity through alpine skiing and of supporting and developing skiers and ski racers. Our goal is to provide a fun and safe environment in which all of our athletes can develop as people and achieve their personal skiing goals. To achieve this, the club focuses on developing strong fundamental skiing skills, understanding the mind and body aspects of racing, promoting commitment, hard work, and sportsmanship. As a club with many younger racers, we emphasize fun and growth over strict competition.
The Club is very grateful to have the generous support of the Middlebury College Snow Bowl and its staff, as well as the coaches and athletes of the Middlebury College Ski Team, and the many local volunteers and sponsors who help out at race time and with our programs.
Middlebury Ski Club
PO Box 815
Middlebury, Vermont 05753