VARA Coaches Educational Forum
Oct 27, 2018
Pico Andrea Mead Lawrence Building
7:45-8:15 Registration and Coffee - Lunch included

Podium, LCD, Screen, Whiteboard

8:15 Welcome

8:30-9:15  - Brad Farrell, US Ski & Snowboard Eastern Development Coach

Brad will discuss Sasha Rearick’s development plan and the details of his use of constraint environments.  Kathy will follow up with how the new development plan and Sasha’s focus can and should relate to our youth.

9:20 – 10:20 
 Mike Morin 
Alpine Program Director and Head U16 Men’s Coach at Stratton Mountain School
Mike is VARA Coach of the Year for 2018 and was 2017 US Ski and Snowboard’s Alpine Domestic Coach of the Year as well as named 2006 International Coach of the Year.
Mike will discuss course setting and tactics. 

Break -

10:30 – 11:30  -  Elizabeth Walker, DMD, MSD

TMJ, Sleep Therapy and Airway Orthodontics, Williston, VT

Elizabeth will discuss, breathing and balance.  Discover how the nose determines overall body health, growth and development, and balance. See hands-on how this can improve performance.  


11: 35- 12:20 - Skye Whitehurst  

 With a Masters in Psychology Skye is the Founder and Executive Director of Innervision Consulting and a key member of the KMS Student Support Team. Skye will help you understand the neurobiology of stress and how to help your athletes become more stress and anxiety resilient.


LUNCH 12:30  - Networking


1:05 – 2:05 - Shelley Davis - STOP THE BLEED

Shelley Davis, a trained nurse, and Mom of Jonathan, a U16 from GMVS who fell racing last spring and cut his lateral quad, hamstring, IT band, femoral artery, and grazed the femur and sciatic nerve, will be conducting a Bleed-Control course.  This course is designed to train the general public on how to appropriately apply a tourniquet and apply compression in trying to stop an uncontrolled bleed. 


Approximate Departure – 2:30pm