Okemo Race date change 12/27->12/31
Coaches and Athletes:
We are rescheduling our year-end race on 12/27 for December 31st due to the weather fluctuations we have seen. We wanted this communication to be sent out in time for you to make plans with your holiday training blocks, and it will give us time to get the hill together and ready to race on Wardance.
Please submit a refund request through admin ski to have money refunded, and be removed from the start list. For Refunds, this race Event will still appear/live in Adminski under 12/27 BUT will the event will happen on 12/31! Otherwise all would have needed to be refunded....and all to re-register.
Thank you in advance.
Thinking snow,
Wayne Conn
Competition Services Program Director
Robin Tracy
Okemo Competition Center
Administrative Assistant/RA